Monday, August 8, 2011

Guys who groom or "manscape" - Wax? Shave? Trim? Female POV would be appreciated too.?

Question. I've always been a neatly groomed guy. I've also always been a "hairy" guy. I mean, i'm Italian, 'nough said. I keep my eyebrows, neck & shoulders, and back at bay, but lately i've been noticing that the hair on my chest, arms, and legs is pretty crazy long. The dilemma lies in shaving. As I said i've been a trimmer before. Problem is that my hair is very course and when it's cut or trimmed it becomes like a freakin' dagger. It pokes through clothing (chest) and just plain doesn't look right so its better if its long in that respect. I've heard from women over the years that when you wax or use a product like Nair, the hair grows back finer when it gets longer because it's not cut off, it's actually regrowing from the follicle out. Is that true? Never done it. would it be worth it to just set the palette back to zero, as it were, and do a complete leg, arm and chest wax and let it grow back in and start from there? It's kind of embarrassing to ask being 30, but it seems to be the way to go these days. Its not an effort to get the girl, I'm engaged to a beautiful girl, but i don't want to head to the beach this summer and embarrass her being the wolfman and all - even though she says she doesn't mind at all and "who cares what other people think" (which is why i'm asking here - its impossible to get an objective answer from her on this). I've been around long enough that it matters. hahaha. Thanks in advance.

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